
Showing posts from August, 2017

NOBTS, GA/AL News (August 28th, 2017)

Youth Ministry Leadership Conference Class   Don't miss this opportunity to network with youth professors, practitioners, and parents ... and recent course credit! Check out the attached syllabi (note that if you're registering for the class, you'll need to attend the  Thursday  night pre-conference session as well). Register by  September 12 . The conference will be held at JFBC in Student Center South. **Registration Deadline:  September 12, 2017 October Youth Ministry Conference:  Oct. 5-7, 2017 Day Time Course# Course Name Hrs Instructor ROOM Thursday (10/5) 6:30 pm - 9: 30 pm CEYH6192/6292/6392-80/ CECM4327-80  Youth Ministry Leadership Workshop Dr. Allen Jackson/ Dr. David Odom Magnolia Room Friday (10/6) 8:00 am -9:  15 pm Saturday (10/7) 8:00 am-12:30 pm   Thursday, October 5 Registration             5:30-...

NOBTS, GA/AL News (August 21th, 2017)

  Let's get together for a Back-to-School ALL-NGA lunch gathering next  Monday, August 28 at 11:45  the Magnolia Room at JFBC. Dr. Jonathan Key is joining us from the main campus to fill us in on the highlights of this year's Centennial Celebration. Click on this form to let us know you're coming; note that you can indicate whether you'll bring your own lunch or throw in a few dollars to help cover the cost of this week's food. For more detailed information, please see the attachment. Click here for sign up:  NGA Lunch Connection   Youth Ministry Leadership Conference Class   Don't miss this opportunity to network with youth professors, practitioners, and parents ... and recent course credit! Check out the attached syllabi (note that if you're registering for the class, you'll need to attend the  Thursday  night pre-conference session as well). Register by  September 12 . The conference will be held at JFBC...