NOBTS, GA/AL News (May 14th, 2018)
Summer Online Courses & More Did you know ... Summer online courses are a great way to pick up a class that you didn't get to take when it was recently offered at your extension center. Deadline for registering for THIS summer's online classes is Friday, June 1 at 4 p.m. First day of class for summer online classes is Monday, June 4 . Summer online classes are 8-weeks in length, wrapping up around July 28 . Another great summer option for grad students are the courses offered in the Mentoring format. These Blackboard-assisted courses work well for those of you in ministry positions or who are actively involved in your church. For more on the Mentoring program and how to apply to participate, check this out. Are you going to the Southern Baptist Convention in Dallas this summer? If you still need to take Supervised Ministry 1, many students take advantage of the Crossover class offered the week before the conve...