
Showing posts from August, 2018

NOBTS, GA/AL News (August 27th, 2018)

Preview page as viewer ( Mobile  | Desktop) NOBTS, GA/AL Extension Centers Search this site NOBTS, GA/AL EXTENSION CENTERS NORTH GEORGIA CENTER BIRMINGHAM CENTER COLUMBUS CENTER DULUTH CENTER JONESBORO CENTER MONTGOMERY CENTER HUNTSVILLE CENTER RAINSVILLE CENTER SOUTH GEORGIA CENTER TUSCALOOSA CENTER KTI PROGRAM NOBTS, GA/AL Extension Centers Drop/Add Period (Deadline on August 31st, 2018) W HAT DO I NEED TO DO IF I DECIDE TO DROP A CLASS?   The option to drop/add a course is only open without financial tuition penalty during the Drop/Add period for semester-long courses   which occurs during the first TWO weeks of the fall and spring semesters.   Thursday, Friday, and Saturday (4-meeting hybrid courses) can be dropped  before  the second class meeting. The cost to drop/add a course during this period is...

NOBTS, GA/AL News (8/20/2018)

Preview page as viewer ( Mobile  | Desktop) NOBTS, GA/AL Extension Centers Search this site NOBTS, GA/AL EXTENSION CENTERS NORTH GEORGIA CENTER BIRMINGHAM CENTER COLUMBUS CENTER DULUTH CENTER JONESBORO CENTER MONTGOMERY CENTER HUNTSVILLE CENTER RAINSVILLE CENTER SOUTH GEORGIA CENTER TUSCALOOSA CENTER KTI PROGRAM NOBTS, GA/AL Extension Centers Drop/Add Period (Deadline on August 31st, 2018) W HAT DO I NEED TO DO IF I DECIDE TO DROP A CLASS?   The option to drop/add a course is only open without financial tuition penalty during the Drop/Add period for semester-long courses   which occurs during the first TWO weeks of the fall and spring semesters.   Thursday, Friday, and Saturday (4-meeting hybrid courses) can be dropped  before  the second class meeting. The cost to drop/add a course during this period is...