NOBTS, GA/AL Extension Centers (Jan. 28th, 2019)
Preview page as viewer ( Mobile | Desktop) NOBTS, GA/AL Extension Centers Search this site NOBTS, GA/AL EXTENSION CENTERS NOBTS, GA/AL Extension Centers *Drop/Add Period Ends on Feb 1st (Friday), 2019! If you want to drop or add a course to your schedule, please fill out the Drop/Add form below. Late drop requests will incur a fee of $20, while late add requests will incur a fee of $10. 1. Graduate program: Request to Drop/Add a Course Please refer to the graduate schedule for specific drop/add dates for each term. 2. Leavell College: Request to Drop/Add a Course * Graduation Application Deadline is Feb. 15th, 2019 If you plan to graduate this May 2019, you are asked to complete a graduation application form. We are accepting applications for May 2019 Graduation. The deadline to apply is February 15, 2019 (March 1st for Ph.D. students). Information and Submis...