NOBTS, GA/AL Extension Centers (Feb. 28th, 2019)
Preview page as viewer ( Mobile | Desktop) NOBTS, GA/AL Extension Centers Search this site NOBTS, GA/AL EXTENSION CENTERS NOBTS, GA/AL Extension Centers *Summer Online Class Registration Begins Tomorrow! If you are interested to take Summer Online courses, please note the registration will be opening tomorrow ( March 1st, 2019). I have listed the Summer Online schedules for your information here: 1. Leavell College Summer Online Schedule 2 . Graduate Program Summer Online schedule 3. KTI Summer Online Schedule *Academic Advising Now that the semester is underway, it's a great time to check on your progress in your degree program and make sure you're on track! Click on the following link to schedule an appointment with Dr. Judi Jackson, Student Services Director: Academic Advising Schedule. Note: Phone appointments are assumed unless you state otherwise. *NGA...