NOBTS, NGA/Duluth centers will be offering an On-Campus Orientation for new students and the students who have not completed the onsite orientation at the NGA center on January 8th & 9th, 2018.
Orientation will be held on the following dates: (Select One)*
Monday, January 8th, 2018 from 9:00 AM-NOON 
Tuesday, January 9th, 2018 from 5:00 PM - 9:00 PM  
*The orientation sessions on Monday and Tuesday are identical. You must select one date to attend.
The orientation location is Johnson Ferry Baptist Church, 955 Johnson Ferry Rd., Marietta, GA 30068 in the Magnolia Room (first floor). Orientation is a graduation requirement for ALL students. After orientation, NGA faculty and staff will be available to assist you to register for courses for Spring 2018 semester.

The Spring 2018 Registration and Tuition Payment Deadline is Friday, January 19th at 4:00 PM (CST)
 Please sign-up here for the orientation: Spring 2018 Onsite Orientation
If you have any questions, please email for more information.

 The registration for Spring 2018 semester is open. You could register for the Spring courses through your student account /Self-Serve. GA/AL schedules are posted on our website for your information, please visit GA/AL Web pages. If you are a Leavell College student, be sure you contact Dr. Judi Jackson before you register so she can verify your projected schedule with your updated control sheet. For the Graduate students, she is available to meet with you on most Mondays in room 348 (NGA students) but would appreciate a heads-up so that she can have a copy of your control sheet with her as she meets. To schedule a specific time, please click here:

Thursday, November 2, 6:30 PM No Cost to you, Supper and Keynote address by Dr. Chuck Kelley, President of New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary
(Reservations are required for the Thursday Dinner Meal. Call Ron Pate at 205.313.7800. Leave a message with the name and number you are bringing or a number for a return call.)
Friday, November 3, 9:00 AM No Cost to you, Discipleship and Evangelism Conference
   9:00 AM Check-In
   9:20 AM Plenary Session, Craig Etheredge, FBC Colleyville, Texas, One of the leading discipleship pastors in the country.
 10:10 AM Break
 10:20 AM Breakout Sessions led by
           Dr. Hal Stewart, Associate Professor of Discipleship, NOBTS and
           Dr. Allen Jackson, Professor of Youth Education and Collegiate Ministry, NOBTS
 11:10 AM Break
 11:20 AM Plenary Session 2, Craig Etheredge, FBC Colleyville, Texas
 11:55 PM Wrap-up

  This Discipleship and Evangelism Conference is being provided at no cost to all attendees thanks to The New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary and her generous donors in Alabama and The Alabama State Board of Missions.

US Navy Chaplaincy Program

We are pleased to share with you US Navy Chaplaincy program!  Through this program, you will find a way to answer to God's call in your life and serve your country as the Navy chaplain through this program. As a Navy chaplain, you will bring the presence of God to those who are often on the frontlines of faith, at sea, ashore, in naval hospitals, brigs, or wherever they serve. Chaplain candidates are commissioned as a Naval Officer in the individual Ready Reserve while continuing theological studies and preparing for professional religious ministry. If you are interested in this program, please contact ENS Stefan Winter​ at​ contact him at 770-280-5353

GA /AL Schedules

Spring 2018 Schedules for GA/AL Centers

1. Graduate Program

2. Leavell College 

If you have been out of school for more than one year but no more than three years please supply the information requested below. You will be charged a $15 readmission fee. You may send a check made out to NOBTS or use your Student ID number and a credit or debit card and call 1 (866) 606-8235 to pay the fee.
1. Leavell College readmission form
2. Graduate readmission form

Greer-Heard Event Schedule

Friday, November 10

6:00 p.m                               On-site registration         Leavell Chapel
7:00 p.m.                             “The Meaning of the Atonement”
                                            N.T. Wright and Simon Gathercole in Dialogue + Q&A         Leavell Chapel
 9:30 p.m.                            Reception and Booksigning to Follow      NOBTS Cafeteria
Saturday, November 11

9:00 a.m.                              Douglas Moo, “The Atonement and its Consequences in Paul: Mapping the                 
                                           Contours of His Soteriology”            Leavell Chapel
10:00 a.m.                           Kevin Vanhoozer, “Defending Reformation: Agnus Victor, Propitiation, and the
                                           Cursed Tree?”        Leavell Chapel
11:00 a.m.                           Michael Horton, “A Tale of Two Covenants: Why One Isn’t Enough” 
                                           Leavell Chapel
12:00 p.m.                           Lunch
(meal available at NOBTS Cafeteria for $10)       
1:15 p.m.                             Edith Humphrey, “‘Let Us Meditate Upon Your Righteousness’—St. John    
                                           Chrysostom’s Reading of DikaiosynÄ“ Theou”            Leavell Chapel
 2:15 p.m.                            Reflection and Concluding Remarks by N.T. Wright and Simon Gathercole           
                                            Leavell Chapel
 3:00 p.m.                            Closing and Benediction                Leavell Chapel
Welcome to the official Gospel Conversations App! Check out all kinds of interesting content and share it with friends via Facebook, Twitter, or email.

For more information about the Caskey Center for Church Excellence, please visit:

JANUARY 8-12, 2018

New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary
3939 Gentilly Blvd.
New Orleans, LA 70126

Expository preaching is “giving the Bible a voice,” according to V. L. Stanfield. Adrian Rogers, a man with an exceptional God-given-voice, desired to engage in such a task. Today a void of the Bible’s voice exists. More than ever, the need for sound expository preaching is crucial. Therefore, in light of Rogers’s pulpit ministry and legacy, The Adrian Rogers Center for Expository Preaching exists.  

Now that the semester is underway, it's a great time to check on your progress in your degree program and make sure you're on track! Click on the following link to schedule an appointment with Dr. Judi Jackson, Student Services Director: Academic Advising Schedule.  Note: Phone appointments are assumed unless you state otherwise.

Fall 2017

Oct. 16th -20th                        Fall Break
Nov. 20th-24th                        Thanksgiving Break
Dec. 7th                                  Last day of Classes/finals for Thursday classes
Dec. 11th                                Last day of classes/finals for Monday classes
Dec. 12rh                               Last day of classes/finals for Tuesday classes
Dec. 16th                                Graduation
 Spring 2018

Jan. 19th    FINAL DAY of PAYMENT: Final day to register and pay tuition
Jan. 22nd    1st  day of classes for Monday classes
Jan. 23rd    1st  day of classes for Tuesday classes
Jan. 25th    1st  day of classes for Thursday classes
Feb. 2nd    Drop/Add Deadline
Feb. 15th    Graduation Application Deadline for Spring Graduation
Feb. 13th    Mardi Gras Break (seminary closed)
Mar. 19th – 23rd    Spring Break
Mar. 30th    Good Friday (offices closed)
May 10th    Last day of classes/finals for Thursday classes
May 14th    Last day of classes/finals for Monday classes
May 15th    Last day of classes/finals for Tuesday classes
May 18th    Leavell College Graduation
May 19th    Graduate Program Graduation

Are you looking for a ministry position in your local community? If you are interested in serving local churches as a youth minister or as an associate pastor to answer God's calling, here are the ministry opportunities for you: Ministry Opportunities 

Answering God's Call

Copyright © *NOBTS, NORTH GEORGIA HUB (GA/AL CENTERS) * 2017|*, All rights reserved.

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 Cycle &Schedule
Our mailing address is:
*1000 Johnson Ferry Rd. Suite C-115|* *Marietta, GA 30068*/ Office 770-321-1606 Fax 770-321-5363


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