Fall 2021 Registration deadline August 13, 2021!

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*Graduate Program

Special Hybrid Course on Nov. 5 (Fri.) - 6 (Sat.), 2021

 11/5       1:00-9:00 p.m.        PHIL5301-50            Christian Apologetics            Jamie Dew      Birmingham

 11/6        8:00-5:00 p.m.

11/5       1:00-9:00 p.m.        LCTH2344-50               Intro to Apologetics           Jamie Dew      Birmingham

11/6       8:00-5:00 p.m.

 *Dr. Jamie Dew, NOBTS president, will be teaching the course at the Birmingham center. This is a semester long course, but students will be attending the class for only 2 days: Friday (11/5) & Saturday (11/6).


Fri. & Sat. Hybrid Course on Oct. 22(Fri.) - 23(Sat.), 2021

10/22-23          BSHM5310-80               Intro to Biblical Hermeneutics                     Grubbs & Barnes         North GA



10/22-23         LCPM4370-80             Special Topics in Preaching: Pastoral Epistles    Thomas Strong                  North GA 

*This is a semester-long course with coursework on Blackboard beginning in August. The class will meet in-person only two days: Oct 22 from 1 to 9 p.m. and Oct 23 from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.


Fall Semester (August 16-December 8, 2021)
  • Registration Deadline for Fall Internet Courses  - August 13, 2021
  • Classes Begin (Including Internet classes) - August 16, 2021
  • Last Day to Apply for December Graduation (without late fee) - August 27, 2021
  • Last Day to Drop/Add - August 27, 2021
  • Grant Application for Spring 2022 Semester - September 1-30, 2021
  • Labor Day: No Classes; Offices Closed - September 6, 2021
  • October Academic Intensives - October 4-8, 2021
  • Fall Break (Offices open) -  October 4-8,  2021
  • Thanksgiving Break (No classes; offices close at noon on Wednesday) - November 24-28, 2021
  • Fall Graduation - December 11, 2021
**Returning Student
**If you are a returning student who was out more than a year, you will be asked to go through the traditional application and complete the supplemental items if you plan to return to seminary. However, if you reach out to the admission office Ms. Taylor at gradadmissions@nobts.edu for the graduate program and Ms. Holly Evans at hevans@nobts.edu for the undergraduate program, they will pull up your transcripts and immunizations from your previous file if you submitted before. You will be asked only to update your references. 
Here's the process you'll follow:
  1. Go to our main website to submit an application (Try to use application promote code "FALL2021" to get fee waived/I'm not sure if the code still works or not).
  2. After applying, you'll complete the required supplemental items, but there are items the admission office can pull from your previous file that do not expire
    1. Items that do not expire:
      1. High School Diploma/College Transcripts
      2. Proof of Immunizations- immunizations are now required for all students - whether online or at any location.
    2. Other than the items they can pull from your previous file, you'll only need to complete the (4) references, background check, and an updated church statement form

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North GA/Birmingham centers will be offering "Prepare Here Weekends on Oct. 22 &23, 2021(North GA) and Nov. 5 & 6 (AL), 2021. NOBTS Prepare here weekends are events for students, pastors, Sunday school teachers, and anyone else who wants to prepare to walk with Christ, proclaim his truth, and fulfill his mission. We offer academic credit to NOBTS students through these conferences, but anyone is welcomed to come for the Saturday events for church leaders, alumni, and church members!  If you have friends, church members, Pastors, and Sunday school teachers, please spread the word and invite them to the events.


If you have a friend, church members, relatives, and family members who are interested in preparing a ministry in a local church or in a mission field, please share this information with them and encourage them to study at NOBTS to serve anywhere. The following is the GA/AL On-Campus Orientation schedule:



Orientation Date



Jonesboro Center

Graduate Program

Undergraduate Program

Monday, August 9, 2021

9:30 AM-5 PM

Dr. Ruben Torres at


KTI program

Graduate Program

Undergraduate Program

Monday, August 9, 2021

9:30 AM

Dr. Bong Soo Choi at

bchoi@nobts.edu or kti@nobt.edu

Online Program

North Georgia Center

Graduate Program

Undergraduate Program

Monday, August 9, 2021

9:30 AM

Dr. Judi Jackson at jjackson@nobts.edu or ngaadmin@nobts.edu


Birmingham Center

Graduate Program

Undergraduate Program

Monday, August 9, 2021

6 PM-8 PM

Dr. Stephen Hall


Huntsville Center

Graduate Program

Undergraduate Program

Monday, August 9, 2021

10 AM

Dr. Bobby Burt at


