Visit Israel in January 2020
Visit Israel with the NOBTS Pilgrimage to Israel tour group Jan 8-17, 2020. The nonrefundable $500 minimum deposit per person applies toward the total tour cost of $3995, or $1895 for currently enrolled NOBTS students and faculty. The deposit is due upon April 30.
The $500 nonrefundable deposit is required to guarantee a place on the tour. For NOBTS students, the second payment of $500 is due May 15; third payment of $500 is due July 15, and the final payment of $395 is due Sept. 15. For non-students, the second payment is $1,000 and is due May 15l; the third payment due July 15 is $1,000, with the final payment of $1495 is due Sept. 15.
Haddon W. Robinson Preaching Award and Scholarship Contest, Deadline April 30
The Haddon W. Robinson Preaching Award is an annual preaching scholarship established in honor of Dr. Haddon W. Robinson, one of the leading evangelical homiliticians of the later 20th and early 21st centuries. Robinson’s teaching career in homiletics spanned decades, instructing students at three different seminaries. Dr. Robinson’s classic textbook, Biblical Preaching, helped shape the place and force of evangelical homiletics. Robinson’s legacy for preaching is captured in this significant award.
Sermons for this year’s award are to be based on the New Testament parables.
• This scholarship is open to all Associate Members of EHS.
• Sermons are to be 15-20 minutes in length.
• Sermons are to focus on the theme and/or Bible text announced for the Haddon W. Robinson Preaching Award.
• The target listeners are members of a local evangelical church.
• The sermons are to be videotaped, posted to the student’s YouTube channel, and the YouTube link provided to by the stated deadline.
• A task force of EHS members will view the submission, evaluate it on the basis of adherence to basic principles of biblical preaching (as discussed in Robinson’s Biblical Preaching) and the EHS confessional statement, and determine first, second and third prize awardees.
• The Board will notify the students of the decisions at least 90 days prior to the EHS annual conference.
• Recipients will be recognized at the annual EHS conference; the first place recipient may be an option of presenting the message during the EHS (e.g. one of the periods in which academic papers are presented) and a possible link to the message included on the EHS website.
1) first place: $500, plus registration fees and meals to attend the EHS conference
2) second place: $400
3) third place: $300