NOBTS, GA.AL Extension Centers (Feb. 17, 2020

Today is the last day to apply for May graduation (Feb. 17, 2020)!

Please read all information on this page carefully.

Information and Submissions:

March Workshops (Grad & LC) are Available at NGA Center /Reg. Deadline is Feb. 21 2020!

If you are a graduate program student, CEAM6320/ Church Leadership & Administration course is a requirement for MACE  & MDiv degree programs. This is a short notification but, it is a great chance to get credit hours for your degree program. Also, if you are a Leavell College student, here is a great option to get 6 credit hours in one week as you register for March Workshop courses/ LCBS4335 and SLCPM4370. As you register for the March Workshop courses, you could save some time and money (avoiding high Internet program fees) and complete your degree program earlier than you expected. These workshops will be offered via CIV from NOLA to NGA so you do not need to travel to the main campus to take the courses.
Please see the workshop information below and register today!

1. Graduate program Workshop
  • March Workshop: March 16-20, 2020
  • Registration and Tuition due by Feb. 22, 2020
Course: 2020/March Wkshp/1st Session - CEAM6320/Lecture/80
Church Leadership & Admin (CIV NGG)
Wang, Michael David
Johnson, Mark Louis

2. Leavell College Workshops
  • S. 2020 March Workshop (Join by CIV)
    • March 16-20, 2020 Spring Break
      Registration Deadline: February 21, 2020
    • March Workshops (CIV from NOLA to NGA) March 16-20
1. Course: 2020/March Wkshp/1st Session - LCBS4335/Lecture/80
NT Interpretation: Hebrews CIV NGA

Audirsch, Jeffrey Glenn

2. Course: 2020/March Wkshp/1st Session - LCPM4370/Lecture/80
Special Topics in Preaching

Hughes, Adam

    • *Students may enroll for both of these courses and receive 6 semester hours of credit for the week.    NT Interp: Hebrews will meet daily from 9-12 am and Preaching from Hebrews will meet daily from 2-5 pm.    Students will receive pre-assignments for both courses, which must be completed prior to the class  meetings.    Contact  the Leavell College office for more information: 504-816-8590 or

North Georgia Center will be offering a Campus Preview Day for prospective students on Monday, March 23, 2020. Dr. Larry Lyon, NOBTS Vice President of Enrollment, will be delivering a chapel message to prospective and current students on that day. Prospective students will have the opportunity to learn about NOBTS programs and to dialogue with NOBTS faculty, students, and staff. Campus Preview Day will be held from 9:30 am to 2:00 pm (including the opportunity to observe a current class). If you have friends, relatives, church members, or family members who are interested in study with NOBTS in preparing for ministries and missions, please spread this information and invite them to this event. The event will be held at Groups Building (2nd Floor) at Cross Pointe Church, 1800 Satellite Blvd NW, Duluth, GA 30097.  **Lunch is FREE for prospective students and their guests (*registration is required to receive free lunch). Please sign up here:

Spring 2020

Last Day to Apply for May or July Graduation                                                        February 17, 2020

Mardi Gras (Offices closed; no classes on main campus; no CIV classes from NOLA)            February 25, 2020

Spring Break (Offices open)   /Workshop                                                                  March 16-20, 2020
Campus Preview Day/NGA                                                                                          March 23, 2020

Good Friday (Offices closed, no classes)                                                                  April 10, 2020

Graduation for Leavell College  

Graduation for Graduate program                                                                            May 15, 2020

 May 16, 2020